Applications: List of Examples


Optimi­zation is ever­y­whe­re. Below you will find a list of refe­ren­ces and brief descrip­ti­ons of prac­ti­cal optimi­zation pro­blems that have alre­a­dy been suc­cessful­ly sol­ved. We have limi­t­ed our­sel­ves to the typi­cal stan­dard sources for each gen­re. Thus, the list is mas­si­ve­ly incom­ple­te but still pro­vi­des an over­view of the possibilities.

Optimal Design

Tra­ve­ling Sales­per­son Problem[Sim­chi-Levy, p. 72], [Kall­rath, p. 224]
Optimi­zation of trans­port routes[Appa, pp. 151–156], [Gass, p. 319]
Trans­port plan­ning with time‑, supply‑, demand‑, and capa­ci­ty contraints. [Sim­chi-Levy, p. 301],
[Sim­chi-Levy, p. 313],
[Sim­chi-Levy, p. 341]
Opti­mal pos­tal dis­tri­bu­ti­on and bus routes[Appa, pp. 163–171], [Sim­chi-Levy, p. 403]
Design trans­por­ta­ti­on networks[Appa, pp. 130–133]
Path length minimization[Gass p. 260], [Hu2, p. 115], [Van­der­bei, p. 260], [Kor­te, p. 159]
Mate­ri­al flow maximization[Van­der­bei, p. 266]
Mul­ti com­mo­di­ty flows[Kor­te, p. 503], [Law­ler, p. 173], [Sche­we, p. 26]
Cost mini­miza­ti­on for mate­ri­al flows[Kor­te, p. 215], [Gass, p. 372], [Law­ler, p. 129]
Dis­tri­bu­ti­on net­work of a brewery[Kall­rath, p. 265]
Pro­duc­tion plan­ning of con­su­mer goods[Pochet, p. 16], [Pochet, p. 169], [Pochet, p. 173], [Pochet, p. 345],
[Kall­rath, p. 261], [King, p.49], [Denar­do, p. 86]
Pro­duk­ti­on plan­ning of pig­ments, pow­der and insu­la­ting material[Pochet, p. 448], [Pochet, p. 466], [Pochet, p. 473]
Pro­duk­ti­on plan­ning metal ingots[Kall­rath, p. 314]
Sche­du­ling of pha­ra­me­ceu­ti­cal tests[Appa, pp. 265–285]
Optimi­zation of machi­ne pro­duc­tion schedules[Schulz, p. 125], [Kall­rath, p. 247]
Job assign­ment[Van­der­bei, p. 259], [Han­eveld, p. 187], [Gass, p. 343]
Gene­ral assign­ment problems[Kor­te, p. 278]
Lot size design[Pochet, p. 207], [Pochet, p. 273], [Pochet, p. 369]
Pro­vi­sio­ning procedures[Pochet, p. 304]
Time table optimization[Han­eveld, p. 201]
Opti­mal con­tract allocation[Gass, p. 345], [Kall­rath, p. 312]
Inter­in­dus­tri­al acti­vi­ty planning[Gass, p. 362]
Acqui­si­ti­on plan­ning for spa­re parts[Denar­do, p. 67]
Pro­ces­sor scheduling[Law­ler, p. 218]
Plan­ning repair project[King, p. 39]
Plan­ning dis­tri­bu­ti­on networks[Pochet, p. 66]
Dis­tri­bu­ti­on problems
Posi­tio­ning signal amplifier[Appa, p. 134]
Posi­tio­ning mea­su­re­ment devices[Appa, p. 135]
Infra­struc­tu­re design for an oil field[Appa, pp. 291–317]
DNA sequen­cing[Appa, pp. 144–146]
Memo­ry allo­ca­ti­on management[Appa, pp. 146–148]
Allo­ca­ti­on trans­mis­si­on rates in telecommunication[Appa, pp. 195–224],
[Kall­rath, p. 364]
Optimi­zation geo­me­try during radia­ti­on therapy[Appa, pp. 317–330]
Expe­ri­ment design[Boyd2, p. 387]
Port­fo­lio optimization[Boyd2, p. 155]
Sur­face minimization[Boyd2, p. 159]
Knap­sack pro­blems and bin-pack­ing problems[Hu2, p. 87], [Kor­te, p. 471], [Gass, p. 391], [Denar­do, p. 39], [Sim­chi-Levy, p. 66], [King, p. 33]
Pack­ing and storage[Pochet, p. 421], [Pochet, p. 436]
Cut­ting stock optimization[Kall­rath, p. 449]
Faci­li­ty layout[Anjos, p. 849], [Lee, p. 597]
Faci­li­ty loca­ti­on choice[Kor­te, p. 629], [Sim­chi-Levy, p. 283], [Kall­rath, p. 232]
Elek­tri­ci­ty distribution[Han­eveld, p. 204]
Pri­ce deter­mi­na­ti­on in ener­gy networks[Sche­we, p. 57], [Sche­we, p. 83]
Diet pro­blems[Gass, p. 369]
Opti­mal news mixes[King, p. 4]
Net­work design and graph problems
Logi­cal satisfiability[Appa, pp. 60–99], [Gärt­ner, p. 193], [Kall­rath, p. 241]
Team eli­mi­na­ti­ons in sports[Appa, pp. 137–139]
Design decis­i­on models[Appa, pp. 141–146]
Graph decom­po­si­ti­ons[De Klerk, p. 169]
Maxi­mal graph cuts[Gärt­ner, p.3], [Wol­ko­wicz, p. 396], [De Klerk, p. 7]
Design inte­gra­ted circuits[Hu2, p. 120], [Kor­te, p. 509]
Design of mecha­ni­cal structures[Wol­ko­wicz, p. 443], [Van­der­bei, p. 285]
Net­work design[Kor­te, p. 543], [Law­ler, p. 286], [Sim­chi-Levy, p. 379], [Sche­we, p. 32]
Sto­cha­stic net­work design[King, p. 86]
Design net­works water, gas[Sche­we, p. 113], [Sche­we, p. 173]
Shan­non capa­ci­ty of a graph[Gärt­ner, p. 27]
Qua­dra­tic forms on graphs and Ising model[Gärt­ner, p. 167]
Eigenva­lue pro­blems on graphs[Wol­ko­wicz, p. 547]
Max-flow min-cut[Law­ler, p. 120]
Matching bipar­ti­te graphs[Law­ler, p. 182]
Par­ti­tio­ning and set cover problems[Kall­rath, p. 234]

Optimal control

Phy­si­cal systems
Pre­dic­ti­ve con­trol of dyna­mi­cal systems[Anto­niou, p. 591]
Opti­mal force distributions[Anto­niou, p. 602]
Con­trol of mecha­ni­cal oscillators[Lee, p. 648]
Con­trol of sto­cha­stic dif­fe­ren­ti­al equations[Teo, p. 480]
Con­trol robot motion[Tas­sa]
Inver­se kine­ma­tics for robotics[Anto­niou, p. 251]
Time delay­ed opti­mal control[Teo, p. 152]
Con­trol pyro­ly­sis of bitumen[Teo, p. 282]
Pro­duc­tion of penicillin[Teo, p. 7]
Con­trol of con­tai­ner cranes[Teo, p. 333]
Motor con­trol[Teo, p. 436], [Pey­po­u­quet, p. 71]
Ship con­trol[Teo, p. 62]
Con­trol of water tank dyna­mics and water reservoirs[Tri­an­ta­f­yl­lo­pou­los, p. 3], [Fein­berg, p. 537], [Han­eveld, p. 185]
Test of aero­space objects and ground control[Tri­an­ta­f­yl­lo­pou­los, p. 460], [Lee, p. 654]
Air­plane control[Denar­do, p. 84], [Lee, p. 692]
Optimi­zation of pro­duc­tion in a che­mi­cal reactor[Kall­rath, p. 151]
Con­trol of che­mi­cal fer­men­ta­ti­on processes[Teo, p. 418], [Denar­do, p. 77]
Sepa­ra­ti­on of che­mi­cals via chromatography[Lee, p. 659]
Syn­chro­niza­ti­on of con­ti­nuous and dis­crete che­mi­cal processes[Kall­rath, p. 382]
Mini­ma­li­ty pro­per­ties of phy­si­cal systems[Alek­seev, p.7]
Ope­ra­ti­on and production
Data-dri­ven adap­ti­ve pro­cess control[Bou­cherie, p. 406], [Han­eveld, p. 181]
Inven­to­ry con­trol with mul­ti­ple commodities[Sim­chi-Levy, p. 117],
[Sim­chi-Levy, p. 122], [Gass, p. 155], [Bell­mann, p. 152]
Optimi­zation of coo­ling chain for a supermarket[Lee, p. 651]
Warehose sto­rage manage­ment with mul­ti­ple retailers[Sim­chi-Levy, p. 129],
[Sim­chi-Levy, p. 137]
Sto­cha­stic inven­to­ry control[Sim­chi-Levy, p. 151],
[King, p. 49], [Denar­do, p. 145]
Sto­cha­stic ski retailing[Denar­do, p. 117]
Machi­ne maintenance[Teo, p. 487]
Pro­cu­re­ment strategy[Kall­rath, p. 270]
Demand con­trol[Kall­rath, p. 275]
Decis­i­on ana­ly­sis for logi­sti­cal tasks[Teo, p. 163]
Opti­mal elec­tri­ci­ty production[Denar­do, p. 130]
Adap­ti­ve call­cen­ter occupancy[Bou­cherie, p. 487]
Decis­i­ons in com­plex systems
Port­fo­lio management[Teo, p. 132]
Tra­ding finan­cial derivatives[Tri­an­ta­f­yl­lo­pou­los, p. 388], [Bou­cherie, p. 523], [Fein­berg, p. 461]
Adap­ti­ve res­sour­ce allocation[Denar­do, p. 34], [Bell­mann, p. 3]
Sto­cha­stic gold mining[Bell­mann, p. 61]
Queue optimi­zation for ser­ver systems[Bou­cherie, p. 103]
Optimi­zation of timing and dis­tri­bu­ti­on of ambu­lan­ce dispatch.[Bou­cherie, p. 269]
Pre­dic­ti­ve plan­ning of pre­ven­ti­ve appoint­ments and treatments. [Bou­cherie, p. 189], [Bou­cherie, p. 243]
Traf­fic depen­dent opti­mal con­trol of traf­fic lights[Bou­cherie, p. 371]
Design of regu­la­ti­ons for fisheries[Bou­cherie, p. 426], [Lee, p. 643]
Sub­way navigation[Lee, p. 645]
Games and adap­ti­ve strategies
Simp­le Blackjack[Denar­do, p. 131]
Two-per­son zero-sum games[Gass, p. 406]
Equi­li­bria in tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on networks[Comi­net­ti, p. 145], [Fein­berg, p. 489]
Equi­li­bria in traf­fic networks[Comi­net­ti, p. 222]
Aqua­tic exploration[Denar­do, p. 1136]
Pur­su­it and evasion[Bell­mann, p. 287]

Optimal Estimation

Least squa­res with constraints[Boyd, p. 153]
Real estate pri­cing and housing markets[Fahr­meir, p. 22], [Has­tie, p. 371]
Ana­ly­sis of demo­gra­phic models[Has­tie, p. 379]
Pri­ce ana­ly­sis oran­ge juice[Fahr­meir, p. 403]
Goog­le page­rank algorithm[Has­tie, p. 576]
Ana­ly­sis forest health[Fahr­meir, p. 326]
Ana­ly­sis health mari­ti­me ecology[Has­tie, p. 375]
Dri­vers of mal­nu­tri­ti­on in Sambia[Fahr­meir, p. 576
Brain map­ping[Fahr­meir, p. 501]
Mass spec­tro­sko­py[Has­tie, p. 664]
Model for poul­try sales[Tri­an­ta­f­yl­lo­pou­los, p. 151]
Mar­ke­ting cam­paing plan­ning with adver­ti­se­ment data[James, p. 102]
Robust Least squares[Lobo], [Boyd, p. 318] 
Robust PCA and logi­stic Regression[O’donoghue]
Clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on of hand­writ­ten numbers[Anto­niou, p. 240], [Has­tie, p. 404], [Schöl­kopf, p. 215], [Ras­mus­sen, p.70]
Object detec­tion in images, image classification[Paszke], [Has­tie, p. 470], [Has­tie, p. 534]
Ana­ly­sis of gene expres­si­ons with sup­port vec­tor machines [James, p. 366]
Speech reco­gni­ti­on and text-to-speech conversion[Has­tie, p. 148], [Paszke]
Clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on of waveforms[Has­tie, p. 451]
Spam detec­tion[Has­tie, p. 313]
Clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on of text summaries[Has­tie, p. 672], [Paszke]
User­de­tec­tion in wire­less networks[Anto­niou, p. 614]
Pro­te­in classification[Has­tie, p. 668]
Esti­ma­ti­on of functions 
Model­ling of phy­si­cal processes[Ras­mus­sen, p. 79], [Chi­les, p. 28], [Cres­sie, p. 410]
Inter­po­la­ti­on of spa­tio­tem­po­ral processes[Bez­haev, p. 157], [Wah­ba, p. 46]
Rekon­struc­tion of func­tions, tra­jec­to­ries, vec­tor fields.[Bez­haev, p. 157]
Signal decom­po­si­ti­on into inde­pen­dent components[Ber­li­net, p. 83], [Comon, p. 467], [Wah­ba, p. 73]
Demi­xing of audio signals[Comon, p. 779]
Demi­xing of electrocardiograms[Comon, p. 746]
Demi­xing of image- and videodata[Comon, p. 670]
Ana­ly­sis and inter­pre­ta­ti­on of mul­tis­pec­tral images[Comon, p. 658], [Cres­sie, p. 5]
Atmo­sphe­re modelling[Wah­bar, p. 78], [Cres­sie, p. 132]
Image gene­ra­ti­on[Paszke]
Pre­dic­tion of air pollution[Tri­an­ta­f­yl­lo­pou­los, p. 234]
Esti­ma­ti­on of spa­ti­al quan­ti­ties like res­sour­ce dis­tri­bu­ti­ons, soil pro­per­ties, atmo­sphe­ric para­me­ters, tree den­si­ties, oce­an tem­pe­ra­tures, wind velocities, …[Chi­les, p.36] [Chi­les, p. 53], [Chi­les, p. 218], [Chi­les, p. 352], [Wacker­na­gel, p. 117],
[Wacker­na­gel, p. 184], [Wacker­na­gel, p. 298], [Cres­sie, p. 248], …
Image recon­s­truc­tion and compression[Boyd, p. 326], [Mon­ga, p. 129], [MacK­ay, p. 65]
Image qua­li­ty optimization[Mon­ga, p. 15]
Smoot­hing with wavelets[Has­tie, p. 176]
Esti­ma­ti­on of ship attitude[Tri­an­ta­f­yl­lo­pou­los, p. 284]
Text trans­la­ti­on[Paszke]
Sta­tis­tics and data analysis
Che­by­chev ine­qua­li­ty for uncer­tain­ty quantification[Boyd, p. 374]
Hypo­the­sis tests and signal detection[Boyd, p. 364], [Fomin, p. 30]
Cor­re­la­ti­on ana­ly­sis, vari­ance ana­ly­sis, PCA, CCA, ICA, LDA, …[Press, p. 306], [Tren­da­fi­l­ov, p. 89]
Quan­ti­le estimation[Schöl­kopf, p. 81]
Ana­ly­sis and inter­pre­ta­ti­on of cli­ni­cal stu­dies on leuk­emia, lung dise­a­ses, com­pli­ca­ti­ons during c‑sections, ..[Fahr­meir, p. 57]
[Fahr­meir, p. 326], [Fahr­meir, p. 331], [Has­tie, p. 49], [Has­tie, p. 122]
Vehic­le insu­rance and vehic­le pricing[Fahr­meir, p. 52], 
[Fahr­meir, p. 152], [James, p. 165]
Pro­ba­bi­li­ty of patent applications[Fahr­meir, p. 33]
Design digi­tal filters[Anto­niou, p. 261], [Anto­niou, p. 572]
Mea­su­ring the effi­ci­en­cy of orga­niza­tio­nal units[Kall­rath, p. 159]
Esti­mat­ing cre­dit scores[Fahr­meir, p. 290]
Pro­ces­sing of RFID Data[Comon, p. 649]
Iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on and elemi­na­ti­on of mul­ti-path effects in measurements[Comon, p. 655]
Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on in noi­sy encrypt­ed channels[MacK­ay, p. 162], [MacK­ay, p. 241]
Cons­trai­ned simulation[Chi­les, p. 478]


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[Anjos] Anjos, Miguel F., & Las­ser­re, Jean B. (2016). Hand­book on Semi­de­fi­ni­te, Conic and Poly­no­mi­al Optimi­zation. USA: Sprin­ger US.

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[Appa] Appa, G. M., Pitsou­lis, L., & Wil­liams, H. P. (2006). Hand­book on Model­ling for Dis­crete Optimi­zation. Ber­lin, Hei­del­berg: Springer.

[Bell­man] Bell­man, Richard E. (2021). Dyna­mic Pro­gramming: . Kas­sel: Prince­ton Uni­ver­si­ty Press.

[Ben­der] Ben­der, Edward A. (2012). An Intro­duc­tion to Mathe­ma­ti­cal Mode­ling. New York: Cou­rier Corporation.

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[James] James, Gareth, Wit­ten, Danie­la, Has­tie, Tre­vor, & Tibs­hira­ni, Robert. (2013). An Intro­duc­tion to Sta­tis­ti­cal Lear­ning: with Appli­ca­ti­ons in R. Ber­lin Hei­del­berg: Sprin­ger Sci­ence & Busi­ness Media.

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