Mathematische Optimization: Theory


For­mu­la­ting and sol­ving optimi­zation pro­blems \( \min f(x), x \in D\) requi­res the appli­ca­ti­on of various fields of appli­ed mathe­ma­tics and is a ver­sa­ti­le endeavor.

Mode­ling real-world pro­blems in mathe­ma­ti­cal lan­guage is a crea­ti­ve task that draws on pro­ba­bi­li­ty theo­ry and line­ar alge­bra. The resul­ting optimi­zation pro­blems can be ana­ly­zed for their struc­tu­ral pro­per­ties; depen­ding on the objec­ti­ve func­tion \(f\) and cons­traints \(D\), theo­re­ti­cal­ly pro­va­ble gua­ran­tees about the sol­va­bi­li­ty and com­ple­xi­ty of the pro­blem can be deri­ved. The ulti­ma­te solu­ti­on of the optimi­zation pro­blem falls within the domain of nume­ri­cal ana­ly­sis, whe­re mathe­ma­tics, com­pu­ter sci­ence, and pro­gramming chal­lenges converge.


Real-world phe­no­me­na are cha­rac­te­ri­zed by com­ple­xi­ty, non­line­ar rela­ti­onships, and uncer­tain­ties. Their accu­ra­te repre­sen­ta­ti­on requi­res a detail­ed exami­na­ti­on of the varia­bles describ­ing the phe­no­me­non and any cau­sal relationships.

The­se can be simp­le (e.g., the rela­ti­onship bet­ween pro­duc­tion cos­ts and pro­fit), com­plex (e.g., the rela­ti­onship bet­ween acce­le­ra­ti­on and posi­ti­on), or sto­cha­stic (e.g., the rela­ti­onship bet­ween invest­ment dura­ti­on and return). Often, mode­ling requi­res data ana­ly­sis to quan­ti­fy the inter­ac­tions bet­ween various varia­bles, intro­du­cing ano­ther source of uncer­tain­ty into the mode­ling pro­cess. This uncer­tain­ty must be quan­ti­fied and cons­trai­ned using sto­cha­stic methods.

The trans­for­ma­ti­on into an abs­tract mathe­ma­ti­cal model is fur­ther com­pli­ca­ted by the fact that only a rest­ric­ti­ve class of models can be relia­bly sol­ved within the frame­work of mathe­ma­ti­cal optimi­zation. The­r­e­fo­re, details irrele­vant to the cen­tral rela­ti­onships must be redu­ced as much as pos­si­ble for later use—a con­flict with the ori­gi­nal goal of a truthful mathe­ma­ti­cal repre­sen­ta­ti­on of a real-world phe­no­me­non. Cycles of model for­mu­la­ti­on, ana­ly­sis, and eva­lua­ti­on are the stan­dard [1, p. 13]. In short: models are simp­le, mode­ling is hard.


Whe­ther and how an optimi­zation pro­blem \( \min f(x), x \in D\) can be sol­ved depends on the pro­per­ties of the objec­ti­ve func­tion \(f\) and the cons­traints \(D\). For some com­bi­na­ti­ons, solu­ti­on gua­ran­tees can be pro­vi­ded, while others resist any attempt to find the optimum.

A cru­cial pro­per­ty is con­ve­xi­ty. If an optimi­zation pro­blem is con­vex, then \(f\) has only one local opti­mum, and every line seg­ment bet­ween two points \(x_1, x_2 \in D\) lies enti­re­ly within \(D\) [2, p. 138]. Con­se­quent­ly, the search for a glo­bal opti­mum redu­ces to fin­ding the sin­gle local opti­mum. The use of gra­di­ent-based methods is suf­fi­ci­ent to gene­ra­te a sequence of suc­ces­si­ve­ly bet­ter points con­ver­ging to the glo­bal optimum.

Con­vex optimi­zation pro­blems also have a sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly con­s­truc­ti­ble lower bound for their opti­mal values \( \min f(x), x \in D\). The­se bounds are them­sel­ves solu­ti­ons to an optimi­zation pro­blem, known as the dual pro­blem [2, p. 216]. The­se secon­da­ry pro­blems reve­al much about the ori­gi­nal optimi­zation pro­blem, allo­wing for dia­gno­stics on the sen­si­ti­vi­ty of the opti­mal value to chan­ges in the cons­traints or pro­vi­ding sol­va­bi­li­ty guarantees.


If the optimi­zation pro­blem is con­vex, then it is essen­ti­al­ly sol­va­ble. Using vec­tors and matri­ces, local slo­pes and cur­vat­ures are quan­ti­fied. The­se are used in an ite­ra­ti­ve pro­cess to gene­ra­te a sequence of points that impro­ve in terms of their func­tion value, con­ver­ging towards the glo­bal optimum.

In doing so, mathe­ma­ti­cal con­side­ra­ti­ons must be careful­ly balan­ced against memo­ry requi­re­ments, com­pu­ta­tio­nal inten­si­ty, and inter­pr­e­ta­bi­li­ty of the method. All this makes sol­ving a gene­ral con­vex optimi­zation pro­blem a com­plex mat­ter. Howe­ver, if the objec­ti­ve func­tion and cons­traints are line­ar, powerful algo­rith­ms exist. This also appli­es when qua­dra­tic terms and cone con­di­ti­ons ari­se. In the­se cases, thanks to the avai­la­bi­li­ty of open-source sol­vers, litt­le dif­fi­cult work is requi­red, and the optimi­zation pro­blem can be sol­ved accor­ding to auto­ma­ted rules [3, pp. 155–210].


On the sub­or­di­na­te pages, you will find infor­ma­ti­on on con­ve­xi­ty, dua­li­ty theo­ry, and the mode­ling of uncer­tain­ty. Some basic aspects of the nume­ri­cal solu­ti­on of con­vex pro­blems are described.


[1] Mey­er, W. J. (2012). Con­cepts of Mathe­ma­ti­cal Mode­ling. New York: Cou­rier Corporation.

[2] Boyd, S., & Van­den­berg­he, L. (2004). Con­vex Optimi­zation. Cam­bridge: Cam­bridge Uni­ver­si­ty Press.

[3] Liber­ti, L., & Macu­lan, N. (2006). Glo­bal Optimi­zation: From Theo­ry to Imple­men­ta­ti­on. Ber­lin Hei­del­berg: Sprin­ger Sci­ence & Busi­ness Media.